So, much earlier we had on the blog Slime Octopi and Coral's Power 19, now I've finally finished writing the game.
It is very under-polished, it is very rough, but it has some very nifty ideas. I've decided against making it a CSI Game and at present time it's a board-game, with one simple modification needed to turn it into a CSI Game(namely, of adding narration once the Cards are flipped over, ala Agora or Dogs in the Vineyard).
This game is Call of Cthulhu meets Age of Empires. Character Generation has you answering questions and your traits being assigned based on that, like in Ogre Tactics: Knight of Lodis for the GBA. Each Slime Octopus is a Cthulhuoid entity that tries to win over the world, and on another side stands Humanity, played by another player. The game-play is rather simple, based on resource allocation, simultanous, handled by putting a seen amount of resources in unseen categories and flipping them over at once.
The game needs much more polish, a complete re-write, but it needs you people to give it a look first. It also has two pictures.
As always, you can head over to Cranium Rats Central to give it a look!